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Big Brother Live Show Spoilers

If you're looking for Big Brother Live Show Spoilers, you've come to the right place. Absolutely Everything within this blog will be a spoiler... Created for our friends on the west coast and beyond who simply MUST know the results of the live show before they air... Enjoy! :)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Big Brother 9 Live Show Spoiler for March 5th 2008

We're 90 minutes away from the live show here on the east coast, and in light of everything I believe will be happening in the Big Brother 9 house tonight, I'm breaking my own rules and posting the Live Show Spoiler at the top of ...

Please get back over there!

I have a strong suspicion that it's going to be a very active evening, both during the live show and immediately following on the the live feeds... and I don't want to miss a thing shifting back and forth between my main site and here...

Here's the Live Show Spoiler... Copied from BB9Dish, just for posterity sake...

The entire Live Show Spoiler will be contained within this post. In the (very likely) event something BIG, like say a Siren goes off... ;) That will be covered here as well. If we should go into an Endurance Comp, a new post will be opened upon the completion of the live show, as soon as the live feeds come back on!

The live show has begun.
They're recapping the last episode... with an emphasis on the siren...
Announcer: Who will be evicted from the Big Brother House. Plus, when the Siren sounds, the whole game will change. Live tonight on Big Brother.
Julie: It's day 28 and tension in the house is at an all time high... Tonight, the houseguests think it's the end of the line for Allison and Ryan or Sheila and Adam, but what they don't know is that a mysterious siren is about to rock the Big Brother house.
Allison: I'm happy to be up against Sheila...

Siren Paranoia Segment: Showing all the HG speculation and worry about the siren from the past couple days.

Matty's World Segment: Allison/Ryan - Discussing trusting Matty. Then showing Ryan talk to Matt. Then Matt's DR session: "I'm basically playing both sides, and whoever gets my vote is gonna owe me next week." Then Allison's chat with James & Chelsia in the hammock... "Every single thing Matty has done, whether it was good or bad, he's been honest about it." Then Sheila chatting to James, saying Matty promised her his vote already... setting up the argument between Matt and James in the back yard.

Julie: Coming up, I'll let you know what that mysterious siren will mean... but first - ;) - hear what the houseguests had to say about the nominees...


Julie: Welcome back to Big Brother. It's time to go to the living room and check in with the houseguests... James... Matt... Sharon - question about being partnered with Josh... Natalie and Matt, congratulations on winning the PoV. (shows them the winning moment clip) Natalie, what was the best thing about winning for you? Matt - Do you owe her a massage? (he says technically I do). Alright, we have you on the record as saying that... Natalie's family and friends on why they wont work as a couple... Matt's friends on same subject.

Julie: Who have the HGs chosen to evict? When the evicted couple reaches the front door, the Sirens will go off! Find out what this mysterious siren means when we come back...

COMMERCIALS ---Aaaaack!!!

Julie: Welcome back to BB. The HGs have already cast their votes. But just as the evicted couple tries to leave, they will find the front door locked. The siren will go off. And only one member of the evicted pair will be going home. The HGs will be playing as singles...

Votes to Evict:

By a vote of 2 to 0

Allison & Ryan

have been evicted from the Big Brother House...

hugs all around...


Allison couldn't be any happier.

: HGs now that the siren has sounded, I have an important announcement for you. I have news for you.. The game is about to change. From this moment on, you are no longer couples! You are all playing... (settle down) as individuals... for yourselves from now on. Whether you decide to share a bed with your partner is now up to you. Allison and Ryan, only one of you will be leaving tonight. Houseguests, You will be voting LIVE on who is going home.


Julie: Welcome back to Big Brother. The houseguests are still reeling from the news they will no longer be playing as couples.

Allison and Ryan state their cases... Ryan is charming. Allison is crying - It's really hard to say something against someone I've grown to love and respect a lot... I really want to be here. I really want to stay, but I'd be happy if Ryan stayed too.

Adam - Evict - Allison
Chelsia - Evict - Allison
Matt - Evict - Allison
Sheila - Evict - Allison

With 4 votes to evict, it's official....

Natalie - Evict - Allison
James - Evict - Allison (with gusto)

by a vote of 6 to 0
has been evicted from the Big Brother House

Chelsia: Oh my gosh.. this is insane.
Matt: Now that we're all single, we're going to the hot tub tonight...

Allison is with Julie, seeing the footage of the house celebrating her departure.

Julie: Allison, how surprised are you to be sitting here alone?
Allison: Very surprised... it doesn't feel good.
Julie: Knowing that anyone with an outside relationship was a target, why did you make up the relationship with Sheila?
Allison: It was a joke, a mistake, etc. etc...

Coming up... who will be the first solo HoH?

Julie: Welcome back to Big Brother.. The power is up for grabs. Josh and Sharon, as outgoing HoH, the 2 of you are not eligible to compete.

It's a question based comp.

James and Nat - eliminated...
Matt, Chelsia and Sheila Eliminated

it's between Adam and Ryan...

HoH Comp:

is the new and
1st single HoH

What a twist of fate!

Julie: How will the game change now that Ryan is HoH? The house guests shouldn't get too comfortable, because the game is about to change again.

Something about America participating... then commerical

Welcome back to Big Brother... yada yada schedule... America, it's time for you to get involved in the BB game. All the evicted HGs have been in sequester. With your help, one of them will get the chance to shake things up by returning to the game... Vote at

Feeds are back on!! Spark em up!!

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