Big Brother 9 Live Show Spoiler for 2/27/08
Please return to bb9dish for Post Show updates.
Unless there is a major twist, the Big Brother 9 'Til Death Do They Part Live Show Spoiler for this evening will begin and be immediately updated as soon as the votes are being announced...
In the event of a big twist, it will be announced here as it happens.
It's starting!! :) Please refresh periodically to check for updates to the spoiler.
They're doing a huge mis-direct for the tv-only audience, and reminding all the live feed viewers that it was in fact Allison who spearheaded getting rid of Matt and Natalie. Ironic. Then they fast forward to Ryan and Allison plotting Amanda and Alex's demise on the hammock...
Julie says, "Tonight, the houseguests will be voting live," then they cut to a taped segment of Adam and Sheila...
Julie's Checking in with James & Chelsia up in HoH...
Live Vote is next...
Nominees pleading their case...
Adam & Sheila vote to Evict: Amanda & Alex
Joshuah & Sharon vote to Evict: Amanda & Alex :(
Allison & Ryan vote to Evict: Amanda & Alex
By a vote of
3 to 0
Amanda & Alex
have been Evicted from the Big Brother House
Sharon's in tears.
Josh: "Come on. We've got to win this for Amanda."
HoH Comp NOW:
"Words of Love"
All about the love quotes around the house.
When you know the name of the author who wrote the quote, buzz in.
If you're correct, you can eliminate one couple.
If incorrect, you're eliminated.
Men v Men
Women v Women.
Ladies first...
Allison's out.
Sheila's out.
Natalie's out.
All were Eliminated by Sharon's correct answers
Sharon won the ladies round.
Ryan's out... he answered wrong
Matt's out... by Joshuah's correct answer.
are the New HoH Couple
Anyone else see a crown removal happening soon?
Julie's parting words:
Hmph. Does that mean no shot for Alex coming back?